LANEX eSports: Bringing Co-workers Together


LANEX knows how to unite people through technology and sports - this time, it's all about LANEX eSports! Nothing beats the camaraderie of playing online games with colleagues. So LANEX formed a team to play and compete in CEA Spring StarCraft2 Corporate League.

LANEX supports the eSports industry to bring people together, promote its brand, and build networks with other companies by participating in online game tournaments open for corporate brands.

What is eSports? 

Esports or Electronic Sports is a field in which individuals and teams compete for top scores in a range of video games. 

Today's most popular esports games include Chess C, FIFA, League of Legends, Fortnite, Counter-Strike, and StarCraft. Tournaments like Valorant, Dota2, and Overwatch coordinate with international teams that compete in nail-biting tournaments for charity or awesome prizes. 

For this year's league, LANEX formed a team of their employees to compete in the StarCraft2 series. It's not uncommon to see Microsoft vs. Google or Meta vs. LANEX play in a virtual battlefield for the StarCraft2 tournament and see the teams as they battle from companies. 

Cheers! to the excitement of LANEX eSports team as they compete with the different teams from different companies. Follow the next schedule of tournaments at this by clicking this link.

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