Our Services

Results-driven, high-quality solutions

Innovative and effective custom solutions to improve your company’s productivity and performance.

Our Technical Expertise

Our team is proficient in an array of services that can help elevate and empower your organization.

Software Development Solutions

We specialize in providing a full-cycle software development service across different mobile and web platforms.

Bespoke Software development
Web & Mobile Applications
UI/UX Design

Innovative Technology Solutions

Stay ahead of the competition by utilizing the latest cutting-edge technology.

VR/Game Development
AI/ML Development


Looking For Specific Solutions
For Your Business Needs?


Basic Mobile Application Package

We can provide mobility in your business by developing Innovative mobile apps your users will love.

  • Registration & Authentication
  • Dashboard / Landing
  • Listing Details
  • Profile Management / Settings
  • CMS Backend


Full-Stack Development Team

Build a highly skilled and competent DevOps engineering and full-stack development team to deliver a high-impact and cost-effective software product or solutions.

  • 2 Full-stack Developers
  • 1 QA Engineer
  • 0.5 UI/UX Designer
  • 0.5 DevOps
  • 0.5 Project Manager
  • Project Management
  • Team Management


Website on Drupal or WordPress CMS

We deliver enterprise-grade CMS-based web solutions that power mission-critical workflows.

  • Theme Development
  • 6-10 Pages
  • Manageable Content via Admin Panel
  • Site Migration
  • End-user Training
  • 1-Month Turnover


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Technical Support Package

(On-call/On-demand) for a US-based IT Services Firm

We provide additional capabilities to extend beyond DevOps for faster delivery of IT-based solutions, including:

  • 1 dedicated resource for call or email support
  • 8 Days a Month
  • 4 Hours US Time Coverage
  • Dedicated Hotline Number
  • Dedicated Support Team
  • 2 Hour Response Time for High Severity Request SLA
  • 1 Hour Response Time for Critical Severity Request SLA

Looking for something else?

Let us know the details.

Solutions For Diverse Industries

We have 30 Years of proven track record of developing quality and impactful software solutions across different industries. Our experience with our partners allows us to provide a wide range of tailored solutions to help them overcome industry-specific challenges.

our works

Products We Built Together

We help our clients overcome their challenges and build quality software applications.

Stocare View Project
ReviewBuzz View Project

The Technology We Use

Powered by the best and latest technology in the industry - tools that positively impact your business.


And more technologies for custom mobile and web development.