6 Reasons Why Software Projects Fail


There are various reasons why software projects fail. Even small projects with highly skilled and experienced developers and testers are prone to failure. Here are the possible reasons that will affect the success rate of the project.

1. Not investing enough time and money in your team

Developing a software program or application is costly. Lack of budget is one of the primary reasons why software projects fail. After the software has been implemented and tested, maintaining it, in the long run, is another financial burden. This includes fixing bugs/issues, server, domain, and website hosting fee. Maintenance is included in the software development cycle.

2. Inaccurate estimates and bad planning

Miscalculation of time also has a huge impact on the success rate of ta project. If the target release date of the project is too early, then quality would be affected because developers will have to rush on their code work. Some great features of the software might be skipped. Testers will also have a limited time, major bugs and issues might be ignored.

If the target date is too long or delayed, then sponsors might stop funding the project. Proper scheduling is a crucial method.

3. Unqualified resources (Substandard engineers)

Lack of experience and skill is a major factor. Developers who lack skill will most likely take a long time to implement a feature or implement a feature successfully, but with poor quality and it doesn’t fit to the standards of the client.

4. No acknowledgment from user feedback means ignoring opportunities for improvement.

Constructive criticisms, user feedback and suggestions from other people will enlighten more ideas on how to improve the overall usage of the software by adding more features or enhancing the existing ones. There will always be imperfections, even if the testing team gives a green light to publish the software. With the help of other people, even those who are not part of the development, we can detect more quality issues.

5. Unclear requirements

The software has too many excessive features. These are features and functionality that is not really needed or not part of the project. This will make the software less visual appealing to the clients and users. It might also affect the performance of the software because more features will require more computing power. Most users will prefer straight-to-the-point usability.

6. Poor communications

Poor or lack of communication also has an impact on the success rate of the project. The language barrier and cultural diversity affects communication between developers, testers, designers and other people who are involved in the project. Some projects are handled remotely. People in this kind of projects usually communicate using voice and video chat applications. There are some factors that are beyond control, such as loss of electricity and internet instability. Communication is always better when it is being utilized in actual face-to-face talking.

If you’re interested in building an offshore team in the Philippines to successfully develop software for your business, feel free to CONTACT US!

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