User Interface Design: Color Techniques and Strategies


User Interface design revolves around the creation of a visual experience for users. One of the most crucial aspects of UI design is color. Understanding color theory and how to use it in your designs can create a more engaging and visually appealing interface.

This article will discuss tips for choosing the best colors for your user interface design and how to use color to improve your application.

8 Essential Tips for Incorporating Color in UI Design

Tip #1 Consider the Psychology of Colors

UI design wouldn’t be the same if everything were black and white. Color plays a role in everything from designing UI buttons to conveying emotion.'

8 Essential Tips for Incorporating Color in UI Design
8 Essential Tips for Incorporating Color in UI Design

Tip #2 Understanding Your Audience

The colors you choose for your product might evoke different things in different users. Understand who these users are and their preferences. Men and women can be one of many possible classifications to put in mind. 

Understanding Your Audience
Understanding Your Audience

Group audience classification into Industry, Age Group, Interest, and other demographics.

Tip #3 Balance is Key 🗝️

The 60–30–10 is a timeless decorating rule that can help you quickly create a color scheme. The 60% + 30% + 10% proportion is meant to balance the colors used in any space, including your user interface. 

Balance is Key
Balance is Key

Tip #4 Understand Brand Archetypes

Brand personalities are based on a particular brand archetype. An archetype has a specific set of color schemes you can choose or base from. Let’s use Magician as an example.

Understand Brand Archetypes
Understand Brand Archetypes

Tip #5 Consider Contrast

Contrast is one of the 3Cs of interface design. Contrast is one of the key factors influencing the scannability and visual hierarchy of the page. It enables the designer to present the layout in a way that informs users which points of interaction are vital and which ones are secondary. 

Consider Contrast
Consider Contrast

Tip #6 Blue is King 👑

Everyone loves it, which is why many of the biggest tech companies utilize it. Facebook, Skype, IBM, Intel, and HP use this passive color to symbolize freedom, trust, intelligence, and progress.

Blue is King
Blue is King

Tip #7 Design with Accessible Colors

There are an estimated 285 million people in the world who are visually impaired. Take a look at how colors are viewed by users that are visually impaired.

User Interface Design: Color Techniques and Strategies
User Interface Design: Color Techniques and Strategies

You can use many tools and guidelines to check if your product passes the web accessibility guidelines.

Tip #8 Tools of the Trade 🛠

Many companies have their system and tools to develop the best color schemes that are aesthetically pleasing and accessible. Here are a few tools LANEX uses in designing interfaces:

Tools of the Trade
Tools of the Trade

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