How to Work with Remote Developers in A Post-COVID World


Though the COVID-19 pandemic is still far from over, many companies, including LANEX, are already looking forward to adopting the practice of remote work in the post-COVID scenario. The abundance of remote work is already a trend that is amplified due to the current COVID-19 pandemic situation. For many businesses, the enforced move to do remote work over the past few months has presented overwhelming challenges. 

Adapting to the current working situation, most tech companies rely on third-party applications to communicate and collaborate with their team to support their work and make them more productive. This setup helps businesses to manage every team and will make everyone’s work efficient. 

Doing remote work, somehow helped employees determine the benefits of the setup. Many developers that are having this setup during this crisis said that most of them are more productive than working at the office. The current crisis may be a critical moment in the occurrence of a new normal for software development practices. Some would say that social distancing spares developers from wasting their time in meetings and can make them even more effective multi-taskers. 

Most of these developers working from home are as effective as they were in shared office spaces with the aid of collaboration tools.

There are hundreds of tools that fit perfectly in a remote work environment. Here’s a shortlist of popular tools that everyone should consider using in their companies:

Team communication: Slack, Zoom, Google Meet, Skype

Documents: Google Docs, Confluence, Grammarly.

Collaboration: Google Drive, Dropbox

Project management: Atlassian JIRA, Trello

We have recommended some of these collaboration and project management tools in some of our blogs: Top 5 Best Apps for Working Remotely and Collaboration Tools For Developers: Top 13 Picks For 2023

Remote work will always be a choice, but because of this pandemic, it has now become a primary choice and a critical business environment. If the same level of productivity and collaboration on office work is met while working remotely, it might be the only option for almost everyone.

If you’re interested in building an offshore team in the Philippines to successfully develop software for your business, feel free to CONTACT US!

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