5 Benefits of Staff Augmentation For Companies


With the adoption of the internet and information systems, and the increased focus on staff augmentation, competition among companies is reaching unprecedented levels. Hence, the center of it all is the increased attention in IT investments. This is to maintain their competitive advantage, to survive, also grow their business.

Undeniably, one of the challenges in this pursuit is trying to acquire the necessary resources to run these projects. In this article, we discuss one operating model which a company can employ to address such needs.

Staff augmentation is a type of outsourcing model where companies employ technical resources on a short-term basis, mostly for projects that require specific skill sets not available within the organization. It is also flexible and cost-effective outsourcing strategy that enables companies to hire tech talent on a project-by-project basis.

What are the benefits of staff augmentation?

 The staff augmentation model offers a lot of benefits. Here are a few of them:

1. Reduced time spent on recruitment

Reduced time spent on recruitment
Reduced time spent on recruitment

Companies save time on hiring and get access to the best talents in the pool of resources of the vendor. Additionally, staff augmentation service providers can get you the person, pre-screened and properly vetted,  with the right skillsets for your project.

2. Increased Productivity

Increased Productivity
Increased Productivity

Companies can now focus on their core business while the augmented staff focuses on implementing IT projects. Augmented staff can allocate 100% of their effort to the project, resulting in faster job completion.

3. Lower Development Cost

Lower Development Cost
Lower Development Cost

Compared to local hiring, staff augmentation is often more affordable.  With staff augmentation, companies do not have to shoulder some cost associated with hiring a full-time employee. Such as, administrative costs, benefits, and other costs . The client only needs to pay the agreed hourly or monthly rate, as the provider shoulders the rest of the costs.

4. Acquire Skill Flexibility

Acquire Skill Flexibility
Acquire Skill Flexibility

Staff augmentation allows you to work on more projects that require different and often very specialized skill sets that may be hard to come by. Basically, through this service providers, companies can hire highly specialized staff for short-term projects and scale their team up or down based on their needs.

5. Improved Control

Benefits of Staff Augmentation For Companies Improved Control
Benefits of Staff Augmentation For Companies Improved Control

Unlike traditional outsourcing, it allows companies to retain control of the augmented team or member. They can directly monitor their progress and make recommendations or feedback in real-time as they can work alongside their in-house staff.

Final Thoughts

Companies can get various advantages through staff augmentation, such as more access to talent, cost savings, flexibility, and improved productivity. Businesses can effectively and efficiently expand their personnel to suit their changing needs and remain competitive in today's fast-paced business environment by collaborating with a reputed staff augmentation provider.

LANEX helps companies add skilled technical resources to their in-house development team on a short or long-term basis. We offer trained IT experts who can work on your projects on demand, thus closing the recruitment gap and bringing with them new expertise. LANEX employs these resources directly, eliminating the costs and liabilities associated with making new full-time hires. To ensure high-quality output, we dedicate remote developers hired through our company specifically to one project at a time.

To learn more about how IT staff augmentation can work for your company, please contact our team at LANEX. You can reach us here or via email at sales@lanexcorp.com.

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